Cat Food & Nutrition

A Healthy Balanced Diet

A healthy diet is the cornerstone of a healthy life for all creatures. Cats require several components in order to have a balanced diet, two of the most important components are water and taurine. Whether you buy a pre-made cat diet or you make your kitties food from scratch, it is important to ensure your cat gets the nutrition she/he needs!

Luckily, taurine is included in pre-made cat diets so there is little to worry about there. Water is another story though. It is important to ensure your cat is getting enough water to stay hydrated. Hydration is easiest by choosing to feed either a wet (canned) or raw diet as there is ample moisture included in these food choices.

While each food type, dry, wet, raw, dehydrated and freeze-dried has benefits and drawbacks. * Check out our recommendations for each food type below!


Dry food is one of the simplest cat food types available, it is also one of the easiest to feed. It is important to ensure a kitty on all dry food gets plenty of water!

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Cats sure do love wet food! The soft texture, delicious taste, and added moisture make wet food one of the best cat food types so you can choose for your furry family member! options